13 Courses
Training And Development
Bloom’s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. In this manual, we will pay attention to the cognitive domain. This is the domain of knowledge and intellect, and it is the main focus of most educators. Although, it is important to remember that it works together with the other domains
Training And Development
Bloom’s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. In this manual, we will pay attention to the psychomotor domain. This is the domain of action and physicality. It is important to remember that psychomotor works together with the other domains when implementing it.
Training And Development
The ability to interpret body language is a skill that will enhance anyone’s career. Body language is a form of communication, and it needs to be practiced like any other form of communication. Whether in sales or management, it is essential to understand the body language of others and exactly what your own body is communicating
Training And Development
Webinars are staples of modern business. Anyone can create a webinar and reap the rewards. When webinars are done well, they can increase your customer base and grow the knowledge of your brand. Webinars that are not done well can decrease the customer base and ruin your reputation. By following the advice in the course, you will understand the necessary steps to create a successful webinar.
Training And Development
Welcome to the Facilitation Skills workshop. Facilitation is often referred to as the new cornerstone of management philosophy. With its focus on fairness and creating easy decision making, facilitation can make any organization make better decisions. This workshop will give participants an understanding of what facilitation is all about, as well as some tools that they can use to facilitate small meetings.
Training And Development
Welcome to the Knowledge Management workshop. Today’s culture thrives on knowledge. It is evident in the items we buy or activities we invest time managing. Possessing knowledge gives advantages in making the right decision or strategy to implement. The Internet distributes knowledge at split-second rates. Laptops and smartphones bring knowledge to our fingertips. As the adage says, knowledge is power.
Organizations have a wealth of knowledge accessible through the people they touch internally, like employees, and externally, like customers. Organizations that allow knowledge to go unmanaged may be giving their competitors the upper hand in the market. The organization that can capture, store, and retrieve knowledge effectively is then capable of learning as an organization. A learning organization is one where employees are empowered to change and develop new methods, thoughts, and strategies that will advance the mission of their organization.
Training And Development
Life coaching is a growing industry that transcends typical counseling, therapy, and even mentoring. The goal of life coaching is to address personal goals, aspirations and relationships and how they work in a person’s life. The key is to discover which obstacles the client can overcome and which paths will lead them to their own success.
Training And Development
Welcome to the Measuring Results with Training workshop. Although we all know that training can have many amazing benefits, sometimes it can be hard to prove those benefits and attach a dollar value to training. Some topics, like sales training or time management, might have direct, tangible benefits. Other topics, like communication or leadership, might have benefits that you can’t put a dollar value on. In this course, we will learn about the different ways to evaluate training progress, and how to use those results to demonstrate the results that training brings.
Training And Development
Welcome to the Presentation Skills workshop. This program can benefit anyone who presents; a trainer, a meeting facilitator, speaker, or seminar discussion leader. No matter which role you are assuming, this workshop will help you become more efficient and proficient with the skills of providing information to others.
Training And Development
Welcome to the Public Speaking workshop. According to a survey by The Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders - standing up in front of a crowd and talking is far more terrifying for most people.
However, mastering this fear and getting comfortable speaking in public can be a great ego booster, not to mention a huge benefit to your career. This workshop will give you some valuable public speaking skills, including in-depth information on developing an engaging program and delivering your presentation with power.
Training And Development
Welcome to your self-paced Sensitivity Training e-learning course. Sensitivity training is crucial in creating a workplace that is inclusive and a safe place for all to work.
This training will introduce you to your company’s responsibility regarding promoting sensitivity, as well as the benefits that come along with it. It will also describe the steps that should be taken when it is determined that employees are not in compliance with the business’ policy.
Training And Development
Welcome to the Train-the-Trainer workshop. Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you’ll want to be prepared for the training that you do. This workshop will give all types of training tools to help create and deliver engaging, compelling workshops that will encourage trainees to come back for more.
Training And Development
Unconscious biases are the biases that everyone has, that live in the dark recesses of the human brain. These biases are grown in each individual and can greatly influence the day-to-day decision that are made at home and at work.
This workshop will introduce to you the ideas and techniques for defining different unconscious biases that are very common today. It will also show the effects of these biases on the work culture and the business practices of a company. And finally, the workshop will cover the steps to introducing a successful unconscious bias training in the workplace.